Friday, October 7, 2011

I've Moved!

I've taken the blog to my official site, changed up the format a little and hope to expand it as I grow and become all that I came here to be.  Please join me there!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Creating a Personal Mission Statement

I've given a lot of thought lately to the importance of a personal mission statement.  I understood why a business needed one but it's only recently come to me that individuals can benefit from them as well.  I've been researching this and had set aside this afternoon to begin brainstorming my mission for my coaching practice.  Many of the books and websites I've read have discussed them from business as well as personal perspectives.  Then I came across a link to creating your own personal mission statement.  

It took longer than I was planning to devote to it but there was no point in doing it half-assed.  Besides, having a defined personal statement could help me develop my business mission statement.

Check it out and please, feel free to share any thoughts you had on the process.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Plant a Dream Seed!

Are you a blooming human?  Are you ready to manifest your wildest dreams?  Are you ready to live the life you know you deserve?

The world is evolving and ascending with each passing day.  I firmly believe we came here with a purpose.  Are you living yours?  I wasn't until recently.  I was shown my dharmic purpose many years ago in a journey.  I didn't understand it and couldn't make it fit into the conventional wisdom I held.  I gave up on it and let my ego trick me into following a much "safer" and way more difficult path of resistance.  

My Red Tent experience opened me to amazing shifts in consciousness and awareness that's surfaced my dharmic purpose once again.  I've grown and I'm now in a space that I grok what it means and how to bring it to fruition.  Planting a Dream Seed is one more tool.

I invite you to join me by Planting your Dream Seed in the Blooming Humans Garden.  Spend a few minutes each day contemplating the power~filled possibility.  ASK for guidance on how to grow and nurture your Dream Seed and take ACTION on the inspiration you receive.  Share your Dream Seed with others, invite your friends and family to plant their own.  Let's co~create an over~flowering garden ~ divers, healthy, and filled with possibility!

I also invite you to share your Dream Seed in the comments box below.  I'd love to know who my "neighbors" are!