Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Journey

The re-awakening of my Goddess Consciousness happened during my last "official" Red Tent.  For years I had struggled with female issues and the havoc they reeked on my body and in my relationship.  I'd been told that the only real solution was a hysterectomy but I was quite attached to all my parts!  I didn't want to give them up for any reason.  Besides, while I maintained that I didn't want any more children (my son is 16), a hysterectomy was so final.  I wasn't ready for that or the questions of what would mean to my understanding of who I am as a woman.

Over the last two years I'd tried every recommendation for managing my pain and maintaining the status quo of my health issues.  I took herbal supplements, OTC, and prescription pain medicines.  I went to physical therapy (who knew there was PT for our girl parts?!?!), ate healthfully, and practiced yoga, abdominal massage, and Reiki.  My dear, sweet man even learned several new massage techniques to release the tension the pain created.  The combination of it all had my day-to-day pain under control but it created a different set of intimacy issues in our relationship.  After many tearful, soul-baring conversations with my partner, I came to the decision; it as time for the hysterectomy.

We scheduled it for April 11, 2011.  Once my mind was made up, I quickly found peace with the physical aspects of surgery.  I did my research, talked with my doctor and had a good understanding of what it would entail.  One afternoon just a few days later, I saw an ad on Facebook for a Healing Your Uterus yoga/meditation workshop in south Florida.   I knew instantly it was exactly what I needed but the timing conflicted with many things I needed to accomplish before my convalescence.

What could I do?  I, of all people, needed to be in that workshop!  Travel was not an option for me but I could feel that I was being led, no, pushed forward.  I opened myself to the Universe and realized that while I couldn't travel I could do something similar for myself, I could make my own Red Tent.  It galvanized that quickly … My last Moon was just days away. It would be my Red Tent.  And my recovery would be as well.

I had loosely based concepts of a Red Tent -- a place where women gather during their moon time to celebrate being a woman.  In my mind it was a beautifully decorated Persian tent, lined with plush rugs, luxurious pillows, and shimmering lanterns.  All conveniently disguising the AC vents, bathrooms, and other modern necessities!!  In reality it was my bedroom with a good cleaning and dusting plus new candles and beautiful new bromeliad.  I picked up a copy of The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, explained to my dear, sweet man that this truly was my "special time" (as he'd so often teased over the years), and settled in to bleed.  

I devoured The Red Tent the first two days; so moved was I by the strength and grace of it's women.  In the days that followed, I spent many long hours in silence listening to my heart and journaling.  I was completely in tune with my Goddess Consciousness for the first time in many years.  Everywhere I looked ... a random package from a friend visiting Egypt, the gentle rain, the oak snake on my deck ... I could see the synchronicity of Her, of the Universe waking me to Her divinity, to my divinity.

It was through that process that I became aware that the hysterectomy was more than physical surgery.   My GYN, a man who came highly recommended and whom I trusted, was about to split my root chakra and rearrange pretty much everything at my sacral chakra.  I was terrified.  The root chakra is responsible for our physical energy and everyday survival.  It governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, home, and job.  This would be the entry point for surgery.

The Sacral Chakra rules our vital, sensual body.  It governs sexuality, reproduction, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body with the consciousness that lives inside it.  As well as other kinds of creativity including cooking, eating, dancing, and gardening.  It depicts our emotional consciousness, our “animal instincts,” and tribal consciousness.  The earth’s sacral chakra lies in the rainforests of South America!  (home of the bromeliad … synchronicity!)  It would be at my sacral chakra that all of the "work" would be done.

My partner, who almost never travels with work was called out of town that week.  I was alone in my Red Tent, my sacred woman's space.  In my fragile physical and emotional stated I succumbed to the emotions.  I gave myself the night to freak out ... honestly, I wasn't conscious of that until later, only that I had to move through the emotions as they came.  I woke the next day with a clear understanding that I needed Reiki treatments to address these 'new' issues.  The whole reason I decided to have the surgery was to improve my quality of life.  I had to take steps to prepare and protect my whole self, not just my physical body.

My first appointment with the Reiki master solidified that I was moving in the right direction.  I am a Reiki II practioner and had been giving myself Reiki throughout this process but there is nothing quite like the deep relaxation and bliss that comes from letting someone take care of you. The Reiki was exceptionally powerful and kept me "buzzing" through to my second treatment, two days later.  We included an emotional clearing in the second treatment.  It established balance and allowed me to 'fine tune' the messages I was receiving from my inner Goddess and the Universe.  I was completely blissed by the end of that session.  

My mind was clear.  My body was balanced and healthy, and healing had begun on the wounds that would be created during the surgery.  I spent a peaceful weekend in that shimmery state with my dear, sweet man gently preparing for Monday, April 11, 2011.  My new beginning!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Beauty of Humanity

Found Magazine was the jumping off point for this blog ... Enjoy!

The shared antics expressed by our fellow humans on Found have given us more than a few chuckles.  One in particular caught my partner's attention this morning though.  An amusing and poorly spelled letter from a fellow expressing his amorous desire to the "...Fine mamacita in the library."  "We're all a bunch of bumbling idiots" he said.

In that moment, I saw his truth and the beauty of humanity at it's greatest.  We're all rocking along, bumbling maybe but hopefully learning and growing into a more evolved beings.  The odd grocery or to-do list, a child's art, and random notes offer us a fleeting glimpse into the life of a stranger.  It's also an opportunity to see ourself reflected in another.  

Think of all the scribbled reminders, vented frustrations, and expressions of love you have created over the years.  I am the Queen of Lists and I have journaled for years.  I often come across old pieces; some scribbled just to get the thought out of my head.  I'm generally amused and occasionally embarrassed by what I find.  But I am always grateful for the opportunity to reflect on my progress.  How does it feel when you find a piece of you?  How does it feel when someone else finds a piece of you?  Moreover, did it serve it's purpose?  What's changed since then?
I toss most loose scraps and old tablets... eventually ...allowing them to take their place in the world.  Hopefully to be recycled but who knows, maybe one make it's way to Found.  I usually transfer the most meaningful bits to the latest note source.  Others, I  release to the Universe with gratitude for the lesson I pray I've learned well.  The journals I keep, they are too much a part of me.  They're hidden away but always close at hand.

They give substance to my journey and remind me of the lessons, pleasures, and joys I've experienced along the way.  They are the framework of my life; charting my growth, my greatest loves, and most secret dreams.  Most are old composition books filled with pages of sometimes illegible scrawl but there is something special about them.  They become sacred through the process of writing.  My soul fills their pages.  My girlish doodles spilling into the margins.

When I write to purge, I do so with intent to clear my mind and heart of whatever troubles me.  I love the tears that come with the process; cleansing my soul and leaving peace in their salty tracks.  Although it leaves a tangible trail of my shadow self; of temper tantrums, broken hearts, and genuine pain.  It also destroys all of the hiding places.  Reading through old journals, I can see how I've projected my shadow onto others only to have it reflected back to me.  My only choice is to (re)awaken my consciousness, to become aware of my shadow and that it's reflected because it's inside of me.

That's where the beauty of humanity truly lies.  In our courage to live authentically, to risk exposing our vulnerabilities for the joys of love, to fully engage life and all it's fabulous possibilities!  I wonder what will happen next?